Literatūra Pradžia Literatūra Liberalizmas KAIRYSIS LIBERALIZMAS A Theory of Justice John Rawls Justice as Fairness John Rawls Political Liberalism John Rawls An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation Jeremy Bentham The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money John Maynard Keynes Liberalizmas DEŠINYSIS, KLASIKINIS; LIBERTARIZMAS On Liberty John Stuart Mill Subjection of Women John Stuart Mill The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith Democracy in America Alexis de Tocqueville Human Action: A Treatise on Economics Ludwig Von Mises Omnipotent Government: The Rise of Total State and Total War Ludwig Von Mises Anarchy, State and Utopia Robert Nozick Road to Serfdom Friedrich August von Hayek Law, Legislation and Liberty Friedrich August von Hayek Niekur nepriskirta literatūra KITA Two Concepts of Liberty Isaiah Berlin Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government Philip Pettit Literatūra ANTI-LIBERALIZMAS Liberalizmo filosofijos paradoksai Alvydas Jokubaitis Politika be vertybių Alvydas Jokubaitis Keliolika pastabų apie lietuviškuosius liberalizmo tapatumo ieškojimus Nijolė Narbutaitė Liberalism and the Limits of Justice Michael J. Sandel Literatūra KONSERVATIZMAS Reflections on the Revolution in France Edmund Burke After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory Alasdair MacIntyre A Secular Age Charles Taylor Sources of the Self Charles Taylor Graves De Communi Popiežius Leonas XIII Literatūra FEMINIZMAS The Second Sex Simone De Beauvoir Political Emotions: Why Love Matters For Justice Martha Nussbaum The Cosmopolitan Tradition Martha Nussbaum A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf Literatūra KOMUNIZMAS IR SOCIALIZMAS Das Kapital Karl Marx The Conquest of Bread Pyotr Kropotkin Niekur nepriskirta literatūra Nepriskirta The Human Condition Hannah Arendt Bloodlands Timothy Snyder Klasikinė literatūra KLASIKA Leviathan Thomas Hobbes The Republic Platonas Nicomachean ethics Aristotelis The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli Discources on Livy Niccolò Machiavelli Meditations Markas Aurelijus The Confessions Šv. Augustinas De civitate Dei Šv. Augustinas De Regno Šv. Tomas Akvinietis Literatūra GROŽINĖ LITERATŪRA 1984 George Orwell Brave New World Aldous Huxley The Handmaid's Tale Margaret Atwood